Time Deposit Rates

Time Deposit Rates valid at our bank from 28.01.2025


 TL () %

 USD ($)  %

 EUR (€) %

 GBP (£) %

 1  32,00  0,60  0,30  1,20
 3  31,00  0,80  0,40  1,40
 6 30,00  1,00  0,70  1,60
 12  28,00  1,50  1,20  2,00


“Real Persons Savings" refers to the deposits belonging to real persons with such title, and to the deposits of funds and organizations opened under this name by real persons which are not subject to commercial transactions and created under the law and/or declared to be a charity organization by the Council of Ministers under TRNC regulations.

Your "Real Persons Savings" are subject to such regulations at our bank and are protected by the Real Persons Savings’ Insurance and Financial Stability Fund (Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigortası ve Finansal İstikrar Fonu). The Central Bank can determine the deposit amount covered by the Fund for each account, given that it is no less than 20.000.-€ (Twenty Thousand Euros) or an equivalent currency.

Our bank does not have any branches overseas. In addition, our bank does not accept deposits or participation funds from those residing in TRNC or overseas on behalf of overseas banks and/or financial establishments.


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